Beckwith/Hair/Kloss: inscribed “Residents of Haiku”
Missionary descendants of Richard Armstrong and Clarissa Chapman of the Fifth Company
1. George Ely Beckwith (1825-1875) husband of Harriet Goodale
Married Sept. 6, 1863; farmer; charter members the Jan. 5, 1879 organized church
2. Harriett Winslow Goodale Beckwith (1836-1922) wife of George Ely; charter member of the first organized church of Jan. 5, 1879
3. Caroline Porter Armstrong Beckwith (1832-1905) daughter of the Armstrong missionaries; and married to Edward G. Beckwith;
4. Rev. Dr. Edward Griffin Beckwith (1826-1909) husband of Caroline; son of Erastus and Martha Wilcox Beckwith; brother of George Beckwith; teacher; pastor of Paia Foreign Church; Arrived in 1852 and took charge of the Royal School including the five sovereigns: Kamehameha V, Lunalilo, Kalakaua, Queen Emma, Queen Liliuokalani, and Pauahi Bishop; first president of Oahu College (Punahou); 1887 pastor of Central Union Church; 1894 returned to be pastor at Paia Foreign Church
5. William E. Beckwith (1870-1904) Son of Caroline and Edward
6. Martha Warren Beckwith (Jan.19, 1871-Jan. 28, 1959) Folklorist, author, ethnographer, teacher (photo) dau of Harriett and George Beckwith; linked to Missionary and Descendants page
7. Caroline Amelia Beckwith Hair (b. Feb. 2, 1865-d. June 5, 1942) daughter of Edward and Caroline
8. Edward Beckwith Hair (b. Nov. 18, 1901-d. Nov. 2, 1983) son of Caroline A. Beckwith Hair
9. Christine Doty Hair (b. Aug. 12, 1904-d. Mar. 2, 1996) wife of Edward B. Hair
10. Doris Hair Kloss (b. Dec. 6, 1904-d. Oct.25, 1997)
11. Richard Gilbert Kloss (b. Feb. 16, 1906-d. Dec. 30, 1980)
12. Dorothy Beckwith Hair Thomas (b. June 29, 1898-d. Mar. 16, 1997)