
Naho’oikaika Family

  • Naho’oikaika, Louise L. Ho’e (b. Feb. 18, 1920-d. Apr. 2, 1997)
  • Naho’oikaika, Richard “Bucky” Likelike (b. Nov. 12, 1960-d. Apr. 29, 1991)
    Man of the island, he was Hawaiian. Rich was the land, proud was this man. Ever moving forward, ever striving for the summit. Me Ke Aloha Pumehama
  • Naho’oikaika, Wallace Keli’ikumoku (b. May 24, 1919-d. Oct. 12, 1990)
Richard Naho’oikaika
Wallace Naho’oikaika
Louiza Naho’oikaika